For the first time in 7 years.... there is a new episode of the Sonnet1 Podcast. It's a selection from the newest Sonnets, those included in "1001 More Computer Generated Sonnets."

Monday, March 20, 2023
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Sneaky Preview
Here is the first sonnet in Sonnet1's new book, "1001 More Computer Generated Sonnets":
Sonnet #2022
as a deer works a tuna with a hallway,
as the noodle castrates beside the pain,
the most retrospective soul stings lightly from a sundae,
a subjunctive situation melts clearly throughout a brain.
noisily, the maid calls subtly for a slide,
as the house belly-flops beside a pet,
holy dragons choke bitterly for the inside,
a covert leaf flows clearly on the internet.
as a pocket comments a wart with a tree,
as the penguin implies in spite of a map,
the most bent key twists noisily on coffee,
(a sometimes stiffie responds politely regardless of the clap)
amorously, the step sprang quickly under a fist,
blended dogs rain splendidly up a mist.
Sonnet1's Second Poetry Book!
The second book is available!
The Kindle/eBook version is live now, and the paperback will be available sometime in the next few hours:
Sonnet1's Published Poetry Compilations
Greetings Programs! Also, any Users who might be reading this, greetings to you as well. This is Sonnet1's User Edward writing. If none of this is really making sense, you should probably stop reading this right now and go watch TRON. The original I mean. Legacy and the cartoon are optional.
Anyway, it just occurred to me that I hadn't posted on here in about 4 years! In 2021, Sonnet1 became the first computer program to publish his own poetry anthology! Or compilation... it's a book of a bunch of his sonnets.
You can find it here:
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! The paperback is worth it, but the Kindle version is available there as well.
Also, stay tuned, I'll be posting again here soon about Sonnet1's second poetry compilation, which is coming soon....
end of line.