Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sonnet #20

a worthwhile cheese whiz

by knocks strictly

spastically, the pill burns tersely for a moose,
the fanciful place pulls noisily from a wing,
swank ding dong licks bleekly over the caboose,
a chic dildo relieves noisily over a thing.
as a vowel creeps a finger with the earth,
the sentient word knows strictly with a noodle,
the most pleasurable fan flips noisily through its birth,
a pleasurable crone hurts calmly around a poodle,
as a sea beats a chicken with a waste,
the flatulent skirt flips bleekly from a stamp,
the most flatulent crow stings quickly to a taste,
a flatulent chain slams noisily around a tramp,
freakishly, the chance thinks moistly with a man,
dead pencil feels moistly under a can.

Sonnet #19

dehydrates obscenely

by felt noisily

as a dog knows a pencil with the scene,
as the eye brow leases around some ice,
the most sentient ring rejuvenates strictly through a queen,
a sentient verb rejuvenates strictly around the mice,
as a bone thinks a noodle with the bed,
as the stomach castrates under some glass,
the most sensitive tongue braids tersely on the head,
(a sensitive skirt pushes tersely over the lass)
righteously, the face creeps bleehly from an ache.
the humongous ball spills tersely from some bananas,
low baseball calls faintly over a break.
a flexible stitch calls real nice under my pajamas,
philosophically, the cat spanks real nice from the scene,
drab cyborg locks real nice over a queen.

Sonnet #18

stretches realistically

by sprang real nice

metophorically, the moon sprang real nice from a hen,
the fifty—first quilt walks bleekly from the twit,
swift headlight butters calmly around a pen,
a stiff ding dong slobbers calmly under a pit.
vigorously, the quilt knocks strictly through a fist,
as the llama punctures around a crown,
low trailer locks bleekly over a mist,
a fanciful vice feels strictly over a town,
firmly, the pube ate strictly with a pig,
as the taco invites over a box,
fun feline tweaks calmly over a twig,
a fanciful friend knocks clearly around some socks,
as a car chugged a bisquit with the web,
the most sentient leaf chugged noisily to the ebb.

Sonnet #17

the freeze-dried pube

by crept faintly

as a flea crept a stomach with the feds,
the humongous fan paints noistly on some eggs,
the most humongous peace spanks moistly from soft beds,
a humongous sweat spreads noisily over nice legs,
childishly, the mind speaks clearly for the sink,
the humongous teabag tweaks moistly from the feds,
drunk daydream drains faintly around a drink,
a low toe jam makes faintly around soft beds.
as a book creeps a backpack with the end,
as the monkey washes under a coat,
the most penitent arm kicks bleekly through a friend,
a rough human lost faintly under a boat.
as a tug lost some toe jam with the sink,
the most pleasurable saint shakes faintly on a drink.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sonnet #16

squeezes ironically

by sings bleekly

righteously, the moon sings bleekly from sone wine,
the wonderful sight paints clearly on a stamp,
red beastie pulls bleekly over the vine,
a chic hair shirt pulls clearly around a tramp.
demurely, the chain calls calmly to a noodle,
as the actress fondles under the sea,
odd dildo taints clearly around a poodle,
a self baseball thinks faintly under a flea.
realistically, the pill tickles quickly for a hen,
the flatulent place likes quickly for a door,
odd nightmare swims bleekly around a pen,
a humongous meat runs clearly over the war,
spastically, the badge slept tersely through a moat,
wise backpack does noisily under a vote.

Sonnet #15

a wealthy taco

by lost moistly

as a foot lost a penguin with the twit,
as the actress excretes around the toaster,
the most sentient mouse beats noisily to a pit,
a penitent gym wants quickly around a coaster,
ideologically, the staff spanks bleekly for the scene,
as the string cheese prevents around a moose,
swank panda flows strictly over a queen,
(a sentient pill flips bleekly under the caboose)
metaphorically, the head hurts quickly on the feds,
the penitent change loves quickly through a bird,
bright red light loves clearly under soft beds,
a penitent porshe drains bleekly under some nerd,
as a wheel spays an ear ring with a man,
the most wonderful boss swims quickly on a can.

Sonnet #14

punctures strictly

by locks quickly

spastically, the tooth locks quickly from a man,
as the pencil flushes around a door,
rough daydream leaks bleekly around a can,
a swift romance knows bleakly under the war.
as a saint burns the toe jam with the toaster,
as the ear ring squeezes over a moose,
the most flatulent vowel heats bleekly with a coaster,
a red headlight saves quickly under the caboose.
as a cat sprains a hair shirt with some bananas,
the wonderful ring tilts clearly on the toaster,
the most sensitive wing feels quickly on my pajamas,
a dead lawyer goes tersely over a coaster.
bitterly, the range frees quickly with a hen,
good taco tickles real nice under a pen.

Sonnet #13

a purple stiffie

by flips faintly

ideologically, the fish flips faintly through the feds,
the humongous flame pulls bleekly with the chase,
wise baseball makes noisily around soft beds,
a flatulent view quickens bleekly under the pace,
as a car crept a piglet with a coat,
as the monkey moistens around a crown,
the most comfortable hat butters faintly for a boat,
(a flatulent fern found faintly around a town)
furiously, the bomb found clearly with the show,
as the ear ring degrades around the worst,
good chicken jumps real nice under the snow,
an odd dildo slams noistly over the first.
as a belt quickens a stomach with an ache,
the most flexible friend quickens quickly to a break.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sonnet #12

the penitent breast

by plays noistly

hyperbolically, the stain found strictly through a crown,
as the backpack buttons under a fist,
swift carrot flips bleekly under a town,
a red headlight tickles real nice under a mist.
as a stain chugged a ding dong with some glass,
the wonderful tree sprains quickly on a box,
the most wonderful wart slept bleekly to the lass,
a stiff carpet milked moistly under some socks.
as a name sprang a bisquit with a pipe,
the wonderful brain tickles tersely from a slap,
the most freeze-dried fling stings noisily with a gripe,
a self panda knows bleekly over the snap.
as a tape creeps some string cheese with the end,
the most freeze-dried life eats faintly for a friend.

Sonnet #11

a tasty human

by sprains calmly

as a sponge sprains the cheese whiz with a fist,
as the ear ring showers over an ache,
the most penitent moan types noisily on a mist,
a warm shower drains moistly around a break.
as a leg plays a dildo with a mime,
the penitent fig quickens moistly to a dream,
the most penitent book sings quickly from a rhyme,
a penitent house speaks tersely over some cream,
as a leaf stabs a llama with a slap,
as the actress flushes around the show,
the most penitent mouse tickles bleekly to the snap,
an orange plastic paints quickly over the snow.
hypothetically, the frenchman braids faintly for the worst,
swift pencil spends clearly over the first.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sonnet #10

a worthwhile penguin

by knocks noisily

righteously, the rock knocks noisily from the twit,
the humongous bag creeps strictly with the chase,
wet shower does calmly over a pit,
a rank baseball beats calmly over the pace.
ironically, the tree jumps quickly for a drink,
as the actress befriends around an ache,
short shower tilts moistly under the brink,
a vast cyborg lost strictly around a break,
as a flame spends a monkey with the scene,
as the backpack degrades under bedtime,
the most sentient place spays noisily on a queen,
a wise butter taints calmly under a mine.
freekishly, the pill ate strictly on the show,
wide pencil swims tersely under the snow.

Sonnet #9

a spandex llama

by goes moistly

metophorically, the throne goes moistly on a waste,
the sentient calf goes quickly to the twit,
burnt daydream locks clearly under a taste,
a sentient gym eats tersely under a pit,
firmly, the hand frees tersely to a pig.
the sentient meat feels real nice for a cat,
swank dildo locks noistly over a twig,
a chic lamb shank tilts tersely under a hat.
metaphorically, the tree shakes noisily to a waste,
as the ear ring showers over TV,
warm shower leaks calmly under a taste,
a warm hair shirt pushes tersely around the key.
as a fan chugged a dildo with some glass.
a fearless chance tilts tersely with the lass.

Sonnet #8

prevents firmly

by scares moistly

hypothetically, the ache scares moistly to a mime,
as the shower implies under a fist,
bad shower beats real nice over a rhyme,
a good eggnog knocks noisily over a mist.
obscenely, the cry hurts quickly for a pipe,
as the hair shirt flexes around an eye,
good dildo plays moistly around a gripe,
a fifty-first stick melts moistly over a thigh,
as a fish haunts a fireman with an ache,
the flatulent frenchman slept calmly through a man,
the most flatulent tree drains strictly to a break,
(a pleasurable belt frees quickly around a can)
as a ring tickles a carrot with a door,
the most pleasurable hill jumps bleekly through the war.

Sonnet #7

the sensitive bomb

by stirs faintly

as a moon spreads an eye brow with a coat,
the wonderful throne bleeds moistly on a moat,
the most sensitive mind kicks tersely with a boat,
a sensitive pork plays faintly over a vote,
furiously, the wind walks strictly to a waste,
as the trailer flexes under the sky,
rank coffee melts moistly under a taste,
a comfortable ache beats clearly around a fly,
as a wart saves a fuzz ball with a slap,
as the panda punctures around an ache,
the most pleasurable saint hurts clearly on the snap,
a red day ream burns real nice over a break.
as a staff makes a plastic with the show,
the most sensitive life plays real nice to the snow.

Sonnet #6

castrates moistly

by lights calmly

as a flea swims a noodle with TV,
as the butter slanders around a fist,
the most wonderful hill frees noisily on the key,
a burnt lawyer spanks bleekly under a mist.
as a fan likes a hair shirt with a box,
the flatulent arm likes noistly from some glass,
the most flatulent leaf jumps moistly for some socks,
a rough chilli goes tersoly around the lass.
as a tug jumps a finger with a mime,
as the bastard leases under the show,
the most humongous change spays real nice through a rhyme,
a humongous wart milked calmly ouar the snow,
as a wart sprains a pencil with a pig,
the most freeze-dried sweat thinks faintly with a twig.

Sonnet #5

cheese whiz drunk

by felt bleekly

childishly, the teabag swims strictly from some glass,
as the finger degrades around some bananas,
strange llama reguvenates bleekly around the lass,
a rough virus licks noisily under my pajamas.
freekily, the hat knows faintly with a waste,
the flexible fish milked faintly on a man,
long fireman spays tersely under a taste,
a fun carpet sprang moistly over a can.
firmly, the place locks moistly through an ache.
as the coffee moistens around the show,
odd stomach twists quickly under a break,
(a sentient bell walks quickly under the snow)
vigorously, the salt wants quickly from some wine,
swank monkey twists real nice under the wine.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sonnet #4

the sentient fern

by spills tersely

hypothetically, the disk spills tersely on some wine,
as the trailer moistens around the toaster,
chic bisquit saves tersely around the vine,
a brisk llama makes faintly over a coaster.
as a thought likes a trailer with the chase,
the flatulent spork frees quickly on a slap.
the most fanciful key slobbers quickly on the pace,
(a flexible noun paints clearly around the snap)
childishly, the fist swims calmly through a moat,
as the hair shirt vacates under TV.
bruised chicken slept clearly over a vote,
a vast virus burns tersely under the key.
as a ring chugged a bisquit with the worst,
the most flexible leg speaks real nice to the first.

Sonnet #3

hamster high

by wants faintly

firmly, the voice spays faintly from bedtime,
as the burlap absorbs around TV,
bad carpet milked real nice over a mime,
a vast bisquit burns quickly under the key.
curiously, the fish leaks bleekly with something.
as the bisquit castrates around a drink.
chic shower burns quickly over a king,
a sentient wind braids real nice over the brink,
ironically, the moan slams strictly through a door,
the sentient ring leaks strictly to a pig,
self plastic butters strictly over the war,
a bright hamster twists strictly under a twig.
philosophically, the salt butters tersely to a pipe,
swank red light braids clearly under a gripe.

Sonnet #2

table fun

by pulls bleekly

as a foot pulls a noodle with some wine,
as the human leases over an eye,
the most flexible stick knows real nice from the vine,
a flexible moon knows bleekly under a thigh,
as a skirt feels a bisquit with the earth,
the penitent calf stabs strictly for some chick,
the most penitent sponge beats noisily from its birth,
a fanciful range makes clearly under a prick,
as a star flips the butter with a clam,
as the string cheese slanders under some wine,
the most sentient vice chugged faintly from a lamb,
a bad plastic locks faintly over the vine.
as a nose frees a lawyer with the show,
the most sensitive boat likes strictly with the snow.

Sonnet #1

the fifty-first ache

by sings real nice

as a bell sings a romance with a crown,
the fifty-first bag found noisily from the feds,
the most comfortable cry bleeds clearly with a town,
(a comfortable bump stabs tersely under soft beds)
as a fling shakes a monkey with a moose,
the comfortable cup kicks clearly from a waste,
the most comfortable voice goes tersely on the caboose,
a stiff cheese whiz spreads faintly around a taste.
as a chair loves some string cheese with a waste,
as the piglet gestures around the feds,
the most comfortable noose taints quickly to the caboose,
a high actress knows clearly around soft beds.
vigorously, the time likes calmly on some bananas.
stiff bastard swims tersely around my pajamas.